Friday, June 21, 2013

Customized walking routes with Google Glass

Imagine that a regular walk to maintain your physical condition is recommended by Google Glass. To combat boredom, a new route will be proposed each time via Google Maps combined with Google Local taking into account:

  • the length of time,
  • the distance,
  • the average angle of inclination,
  • your fitness level,
  • the weather,
  • whether or not lead you past historic sites or nature reserves,
  • whether or not let you pass by a nice little cafe in the middle of the route, ...

And plan this into your online calendar with Google Calendar.

You can create your walking route with Google Glass by giving the command at the start of your hike through voice control and registering your route on a Google Map. These “registered” routes can then be shared and assessed via Social Media by e.g. members of a walking club.

You can even insert sanitary stops and provide the 'route' with commentary, music, photos and / or YouTube videos at the desired locations.

Google Glass will become an interesting tool for every tourist office in every town, city and region. Considering different language versions of the same routes is a possibility, depending on the international popularity and the number of visitors.

Of course it is possible to create and share a cycling route when you can create a walking route.

Planning a route with Google Maps for a car, bicycle or pedestrian has been possible for some time, including displaying a variety of locations and options for public transport.

Extra features have already been integrated Google Now through which you are presented with alternative transportation options such as public transport, to arrive at your next appointment on time. This will undoubtedly also function the same way with Google Glass.

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